Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekly Round-Up #7

Originally found at 

This past week has been more about thinking than physically doing.

Weeks Without Meat

Weeks of Consistant Running

Days Meditating

Miles Walked / Run
Tuesday =  2.4 mi warm up / 3 minute run + 3 minute walk / 5 min run + 2 min walk / 8 min run + 2 min walk / epic cool down

TOTAL = 2.4 MILES                                              TOTAL FOR YEAR = 23.91 MILES

Book(s) Read

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale (read, review to come)

The Perfect Power Within You by Jack & Cornelia Addington (Still reading, this one is for an 8 week class. Yippie! "Everyday Dharma" is put on hold)

Sever (#3) by Lauren DeStefano (read, review to come)

Welcome to Temptation (#1) by Jennifer Crusie (read, review to come)

  This is NOT a Drill by Beck McDowell (read, review to come)

  Orphan Train: A Novel by Christina Baker Kline (read, review to come. Thank you Harper Collins for sending an ARC to Bookstar, Studio City.)

  Unbroken (#2) by Paula Morris (still enjoying. Thank you Scholastic and NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC.)

Happy Living,


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Review: Girl Parts

Summary (from Goodreads)David and Charlie are opposites. David has a million friends, online and off. Charlie is a soulful outsider, off the grid completely. But neither feels close to anybody. When David’s parents present him with a hot Companion bot designed to encourage healthy bonds and treat his “dissociative disorder,” he can’t get enough of luscious redheaded Rose — and he can’t get it soon. Companions come with strict intimacy protocols, and whenever he tries anything, David gets an electric shock. Parted from the boy she was built to love, Rose turns to Charlie, who finds he can open up, knowing Rose isn’t real. With Charlie’s help, the ideal “companion” is about to become her own best friend. In a stunning and hilarious debut, John Cusick takes rollicking aim at internet culture and our craving for meaningful connection in an uberconnected world.

Review: I don't exactly know where I sit with this book. Let me be clear, Girl Parts is a FANTASTIC book. I would completely recommend it to anyone who likes books from contemporary fiction to dystopian. But even after reading Abandon Changes (the FREE short story about what happened after Girl Parts, kind of) I'm still ... thrilled and disappointed. I feel like the fine like between leaving readers to ask questions and leaving readers on the cusp of something wonderful was crossed. And there is a whole world left to explore after the last page is done. I sincerely hope Cusick is allowed to publish a sequel to Girl Parts or at least allow me to be a beta reader (please, pretty please?).

Either way, Girl Parts is a fascinating, well written novel that will keep you both entertained and thinking about what it means to live in such a digital age.

Formats: e-book, hardcover, paperback, audiobook

Senator Recommends:

Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekly Round-Up #6

From Dune by Frank Herbert

Oh my my my my! Sorry this is late, just like the rest of the week yesterday seemed to fly right on by! Things are rapidly a-changin' here in the house of Senator and it is all goooood.

Weeks Without Meat

Days Without Dairy
this whole "no dairy" thing isn't going so well for me, actually. Mostly it's the hidden stuff, like whey in things in bread. Fooey!

Weeks of Consistant Running

Weeks Meditating

Miles Walked / Run
Friday =  1.89 mi (2 min warm up / 3 min run + 3 min walk / 4 min run + 3 min walk x 2 / 3 min run + 3 min walk / cool down)
Saturday = 1.71 mi (warm up / 3 min run + 2 min walk / 5 min run + 3 min run / 3 min run + 2 min run / cool down)
Saturday = 1.39 mi (run to work and back. 15-30 min break in between)

TOTAL = 4.99 MILES                                              TOTAL FOR YEAR = 21.51 MILES

Book(s) Read

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale (still reading, I'll be making my end of February deadline)

Everyday Dharma: Seven Weeks to Finding the Buddha in You by Lama Willa Miller (Week two! This will be on my reading list for a little while...)

Let Them Eat Cake (#1) by Sandra Byrd (read, series review to come)

Bon Appetit (#2) by Sandra Byrd (read, series review to come)

   Piece de Resistance (#3) by Sandra Byrd (read, series review to come)

How do you find balance when life seems hectic?

Happy Living,


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Review: My Life Next Door

Summary (from Goodreads)The Garretts are everything the Reeds are not. Loud, numerous, messy, affectionate. And every day from her balcony perch, seventeen-year-old Samantha Reed wishes she was one of them . . . until one summer evening, Jase Garrett climbs her terrace and changes everything. As the two fall fiercely in love, Jase's family makes Samantha one of their own. Then in an instant, the bottom drops out of her world and she is suddenly faced with an impossible decision. Which perfect family will save her? Or is it time she saved herself?
A dreamy summer read, full of characters who stay with you long after the story is over.

Review: There isn't much more to say other than excellent, this book is simply excellent. With every page Fitzpatrick sets the beautiful, wonderful, tragic tone, real life transpiring without being dull. Readers will be able to identify with one, if not all the characters as they all are multi-dimensional. You will not find insecure or misdirected lust in these pages, as the blossoming love between Samantha and Jase that unfolds is just as multi-dimensional and real as the characters. Even if this doesn't seem like your cup of usual tea, give My Life Next Door a chance and it might surprise you.

Formats: e-book, hardcover, paperback, audiobook

Senator Recommends:

Monday, February 11, 2013

Review: Learning to Love

Summary (from Goodreads)Sugar and Spice: Librarian Jayne Gilbert needs a man—a man she can bring to her high school reunion. She wants to prove to her former classmates that she isn't the lonely bookworm they predicted she'd become. So, naturally, Jayne turns to a book. It's called How to Pick Up a Man. And it works, even if she attracts the attention of good-looking Riley Chambers only because she's carrying that book, not because she followed its advice!

Love by Degree: Going back to college, hitting the books. That's Ellen Cunningham's new life. But money's a little tight and she's lucky enough to find inexpensive lodging in a house with three young college boys. Ellen plays housemother, a situation that works for everyone—except Reed Morgan, the absentee owner. He's not pleased to find his house occupied by a bunch of college kids and Ellen. Especially Ellen

Review: Two easy reads in one book. Perfect for that summer afternoon by the pool or beach, or just relaxing on the couch when you need an escape from reality. The two matches have a lovely set-up, however, fall short and crumble towards the end. The overuse of possible "cheating," jealousy, and child-like snits that could all be resolved oh so easily if they just TALKED becomes tedious.

Formats: mass market

Senator Recommends:

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Week Since the Break-Up/ Weekly Round-Up #5


A few things before we continue. There was no weekly round-up 4 posted, but it still happened, hence this is #5. Moving on. Yes, last Sunday I was released, broken up with, dumped. Due to our dynamics and my experience of the relationship it took me a night of little sleep to accept it. I cried, I leaned on everyone I could and was supported unflinchingly. Thank you again. I hold no ill will towards him and seek only the good points to be replicated in a life partner.

What I mainly learned was to care for myself. I have been working on the physical, now it is time to uproot the mental. All those negative subconscious beliefs I had let run my life are rapidly --and forever -- being let go of. It is a practice of honoring myself that will stay with me a lifetime.

Weeks Without Meat

Days Without Dairy
(Previous to my ice cream binge, I was up to five)

Weeks of Consistant Running
(I reserve the right to pat myself on the back, oh yes)

Days Meditating

Miles Walked / Run
Tuesday =  1.48 mi (2 min run + 2 min walk / 3 min run + 3 min walk x2 / 2 min run + 2 min walk / 5 min cool down)

TOTAL = 1.48 MILES                                          TOTAL FOR YEAR = 16.52 MILES

Book(s) Read

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale (still reading, I'll be making my end of February deadline)

Everyday Dharma: Seven Weeks to Finding the Buddha in You by Lama Willa Miller (this will be on my reading list for a little while...)

Promises From God's Word for Women (Mini Review: I love this book. It has helped me to pray again. Highly recommended)

Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger (read, review to come)

Have to ever had a difficult moment that helped you overcome something?

Happy Living,


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I'm Taking a Break

Hello lovies of the internet. As of Sunday, I got some very heartbreaking news and will need time to recuperate.

I need time to collect my thoughts.
I need time to FEEL the blessing of this (there's quite a difference between knowing and doing. I'm going for the doing part).
I need time to figure out who I am and how I want to achieve lasting happiness.
I need time to Love myself, fully, gently, beautifully, without worry of another.
I need time to feel OK again (I'm getting there, woo fast snap-back).
I need time to be comfortable with myself.
I need time to learn how to eat again.
I need time to be.
I need time to choose to not suffer -- OK, this is more I need time to cultivate the ease of change.

I just need time for me.

And that means no internet, no blogs, no outside chatter. I thank you all for understanding.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Running Alone

Fair warning, this is a long, slightly unhappy post. Moving forward.

Running, for me, is a solitary sport. Time restrictions do not allow me to run with a local group and, frankly, I'm not there yet. For me, where is does not become so solitary are the races. That's when I get to share my love of running with my friends and family, hopefully, and meet others along the way.

My mother has attended two of my races, my father one, and I have gone to one race all by my lonesome. What is the difference between the Turkey Dash that I ran without any spectators and the Color Run that I will have to run tomorrow alone? The Turkey Dash was in my hometown -- Thousand Oaks, CA -- and I actually met up with people at the start and finish line that just happened to be running too. The Color Run will be at Dodger's Stadium, a place that I have never been to in a city I already don't like.

That's why I asked a friend to come along. I had rose colored glasses on at the time. They are a night owl and I somehow persuaded them to wake up and come down with me for a 9am run. Speaking with them earlier in the week, I had the glasses off, and I quickly saw how cruel I was for asking. So I gave them an out and they took it. Add to that a long, hard week. Full of self-imposed stress that has resulted in infrequent eating, little sleep, physical clutter that is disgusting, and general anxiety about everything. This smallest hiccup has my already fragile house crumbling and I am conflicted about going to the race tomorrow. Will I run, train for my 10K? Of course.  But the idea of going to a race that is all about color and fun and friends when I don't have anyone I know to share it with... cuts me down a little.

I guess we'll see how I feel tomorrow morning.