Monday, March 18, 2013

Out of Hiding

Remember the last time I hinted about my knee? That Monday it took a turn for the worst and I experienced something I never could have imagined: pain so bad I could barely walk.

And was promptly taken off of work.

I'm not going to lie, the last two weeks have been a roller coaster. I didn't know how to express what I've been going through. I didn't know what to say, how to say it, how to believe in myself.

It's only now that I'm on the mend that I am properly able to convey my emotional pain. The inability to walk (although temporarily) cut me down a few and the fact that I wasn't working exacerbated my crumbling self-confidence. The physical pain was (is) certainly still a factor and also didn't help things, but once that was an afterthought -- about 3-4 days now -- the real healing began.

I want to quell any concerns about my knee. It needs NO SURGERY  (yay!) and all that happened was that I damaged the cartilage under my knee cap. Physical therapy has been a God-send and just today I was promoted from crutches to a cane!
Me, at 25.
Original found at:

It's been a journey so far and it's not over yet. I wouldn't wish this on anyone, but I am grateful for the experience. It taught me to be more patient, to really take care of myself and listen to my body.

Even if that means using a flipping cane when I walk.

Happy Healing,



  1. Oh no hon. I'm so sorry. But also glad to hear it's mending.

  2. Pssssssssst I miss you and I loved my card. : )
